They're All Bums, Darling

To the guy who drank from the can of Pepsi he found on the ground... - w4m

Date: 2008-10-16, 2:26PM PDT

I thought that was pretty gross at first, but the more I thought about it throughout the day, the more I was charmed by it. I can tell you are outgoing and uninhibited by social norms and I find that very sexy. It inspired me to fish a half-eaten doughnut out of a trash can on my way home from work. It tasted awful, but I felt so liberated.

You where dressed kind of poorly and your hair was unkempt (clearly unwashed), but I get the impression that your just a free spirit with bigger priorities then basic hygiene. Perhaps your a modern Aristotle?

Would love to discuss Kierkegaard or Nietzsche with you sometime, perhaps over a can of Pepsi? My treat.

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